Simply Social!

Are you simply tired after a long day at work, or running errands, or taking care of the kids or
grandkids? Do you love coming to LCC but feel you simply don’t know many people very well?
Do you simply need a break? Then come join your friends (old and new) at

Simply Social!

Simply Social is simply fun! On one Friday night each month, we’ll gather at someone’s house.
Everyone will bring an appetizer to share. Basic beverages will be provided by the host, but you
are invited to bring your own beverage (adult or otherwise) if you wish. We’ll gather at 6 p.m.
and wrap things up around 8. All are invited, including the kiddos – there will be opportunities to
keep them busy having fun too.
Watch for the address of each month’s host in Cross Currents (our Friday eNewsletter). If you
do not receive Cross Currents call the office for directions, or contact the pastors. We will not be
sharing addresses on our website or on social media, only via email.
Simply Social is a great way to get to know each other better, relax and have fun. We hope to see
all of you there!