We are glad that after the long power outage we have all systems ready to go so we can gather again this Sunday for worship. Remediation is still ongoing so once again only the main entrance under the Portico and the other front entrance by the fountain will be open. The Office entrance and the rear Atrium entrance by the Youth Room and Nursery will be closed. Please avoid the Fellowship Hall, the Youth Room, Nursery and Office areas as they have not been treated yet and may have crews working in them.

The Family Worship will gather in the Sanctuary at our normal 10:30 time.

The Monday morning Bible study will resume this Monday the 21st in the narthex.

The delayed “Being Church” Bible study will begin next Thursday the 24th in the narthex and online. Look for the link in Sunday’s Connect email.

We are planning to stream our 9 am worship as always on our YouTube channel. You can also find it from the link on Facebook or from our website.

The church buildings received only minor wind damage from hurricane Milton and remediation work only stopped for one day. Remember, the church phone line is answered remotely. Messages come in as emails to the staff, and using staff extensions will call the pastors’ cell phones directly. (Pastor Lisa ext. 222, Pastor Bruce ext. 227) Our prayers are with you all.

Why LCC for you?

If you come from a different church, no church,
or have been burned by church,
we have people with many different stories,
beliefs, struggles and questions.

You are not a guest or visitor,
you are part of God’s family,
someone who we may not know yet.

Who is LCC?

LCC is a community of followers of Jesus.

We come from all backgrounds of the Christian faith.
We identify with the Lutheran expression of the faith
and are members of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
but welcome all who follow Christ.

We are LCC!

We are people who value togetherness
and supporting each other our lives in a community of faith.

We are a safe place for people of all backgrounds
and a variety of beliefs to serve God together
through worship, growing in our faith,
and serving Christ by sharing with others.

We are also LCC Day School,
a faith-based school for pre-school to 8th grade.


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