Join us for Praise Worship Fellowship Sunday Service Connection

9:00am – Traditional Worship – Sanctuary
10:45am – Family Worship – Fellowship Hall
9:00am – Traditional Worship
Our early worship is held in the sanctuary and invites us into time with God in a more traditional way but with a blending of musical styles. We sing hymns both old and new, often with help from our handbell choir or our vocal choir. Though based on patterns of worship that have served Christians for the ages, it is updated and contemporary in feel, using screens to lead the congregation.
The worship doesn’t assume any background in a particular faith style of worship and is easy for anyone to join in worship. Communion is open and offered to all, every Sunday, to those who wish to join us by coming forward. Hearing assisted devices are available and our worship center is accessible by ramps. Younger children can choose to leave in the middle for a Children’s Time suited for their level.
Before and after worship a covered coffee patio is staffed by our baristas. You are invited to linger with beverages and snacks at tables and enjoy our welcoming environment.
Temporary Venue Change for Family Worship
Hurricane Helene flooded our Fellowship Hall which we used for our Family Worship. Temporarily we meet now in our main worship space, but still around tables and with a kids’ play area. We hope in January to return to our normal space, but in the mean time you can still enjoy the informal and interactive elements of our contemporary form of worship even though it’s in our sanctuary.
10:45 AM – Family Worship
Our later worship is held in our Fellowship Hall around tables with a play area for the children with beanbags and kid-sized tables up front. This informal worship is designed for all ages to be involved, with coloring and activities for the younger members, and beverages and snacks for everyone to bring to their tables. During this worship parents needn’t worry about their children making noise or playing or moving around.
Praise music is provided by our band, and the entire service is much more interactive. The message has plenty of options for input and discussion, and people are invited to share stories and even write down their prayers for our worship. Younger children can choose to leave in the middle for a Children’s Time suited for their level; and we always include at least one song for hand motions and dancing. Communion is taken in a circle as we join around our family table, the Communion table.
After worship there is always a craft and snacks for children as well as a large playground right outside for more fellowship and fun. This service is “come as you are,” and some of our kids come in pajamas and bring their favorite toys or stuffed animal “friends” to worship.
Got kids?