Refresh 10/17

This Sunday, we are celebrating our Refresh Sunday, the second of four events in our New Season at LCC campaign. We will dedicate our pledges to the glory of God and ask God to help us fulfill them.


But perhaps even more important will be the rededication of ourselves to God and our church that will also be a part of the worship. What does this mean?


Well, when some people reach milestones in their marriage, many of them decide to renew their wedding vows. They do this because commitments made early in life can mean a lot more with the passing of the years. When you face challenges together, it can bond you in ways no mere words ever could.


So, what can this image mean for a church that is re-emerging from the pandemic? We believe it means that now is an excellent time for the members of LCC to renew their own vows, so to speak, not to each other as couples, but to God as members of our wonderful church. And so we will have a time in the service in which we will ask God to help us renew our commitments to faithful service, to bless our pledges of time and financial resources, and to express our gratitude for the privilege of being part of God’s mission here at LCC.


With joy and anticipation, we invite you to join us in this “renewal of our vows” at our 9:30 a.m. service. And afterward, we will “refresh” ourselves by enjoying a brunch provided by the LCC Stewardship Ministry Team. Hope to see you there!