While we’re all busy getting ready for the holidays, there is an organization that throughout the year is working to get young people Ready for Life. Ready for Life Pinellas (RFL) assists young adults as they make the challenging transition from foster care to adulthood, preventing homelessness and helping them achieve their goals.
According to their website, last year RFL performed 3,145 services, helping 219 youth. Some of the services they provide include education and mentoring, counseling and assistance with finding employment.
For the past ten years, LCC has supported RFL by offering Angels to pick up from the Angel Christmas Tree and purchasing the requested gifts. Angels will be available starting November 19, and the gifts will need to be returned to the church by December 10 at the latest (preferably sooner). Our church also provides 50 stockings for the youth.
So while you’re thinking about what to buy Aunt Susie or your grandkids, please consider making life a little easier for young adults who really could use a break in life. Our church as a great track record of generosity, and we hope this year will be no different. Thanks in advance for your kindness.