We’ve journeyed with Simon Peter through Jesus’ ministry all through Lent. Some of us have fasted, giving up things we enjoy, while others have taken on extra acts of kindness to prepare us for this moment. We are about to enter Holy Week here at LCC, which is both the most wonderful and the holiest time of the year as we remember what is most important about our faith.
This wonderful time begins with Palm Sunday worship at 9 a.m., where we invite you to grab a palm branch and enter the sanctuary to the pealing of our handbells. Enter the drama of his final hours through a dramatic reading of the Passion story enriched by soul-stirring hymns. After the service, at 10:00, come join the fun at the Palm Sunday Fair. Enjoy crafts and fresh warm pretzels, pastries and more. Our contemporary service at 10:30 will also feature a celebration with palms, joyful music and a focus on the story of Palm Sunday.
Fast forward a few days to Maundy Thursday at 7 p.m. where we will celebrate Jesus’ command to love each other with handwashing to commemorate Jesus’ washing his disciples’ feet. And a very special feature of this worship will be our Communion Instruction graduates who will gather with their parents around the Communion table. The service will conclude with the reverential stripping of the altar in preparation for Good Friday.
Our worship then continues on to Good Friday. At noon we will offer worship that features the Solemn Reproaches, a hauntingly beautiful prayer dialog between God and us, and the hammering of nails into the Cross. At 7 p.m., we will have the Tenebrae service, featuring readings of the Passion and songs, punctuated by the extinguishing of eight candles. The service ends in near darkness as we, like the frightened disciples, exit in silence.
Then we wait…until the glorious dawn of Easter morning, where at 7 a.m. on the Point we will announce with a bonfire and loud Alleluias that Christ is risen, he is risen indeed! Bring a chair if you can (we will have some available if you forget) and join us as we celebrate the risen Son with the rising sun. This Sonrise service is followed by a continental breakfast served on the Coffee Patio.
Then at 9:00 a.m. we will offer the Festival Easter Worship, pulling out all the stops with music by the LCC vocal choir, LCC bell choir, and a brass quartet. A full Easter breakfast will follow the service at 10:00 a.m.
And the celebrating continues at 10:30 where we will offer our Family-Friendly Worship service in Fellowship Hall. A very special Easter Egg Hunt will be included in the service, so make sure the kiddos know about it!