All of us who are Christians want to follow Jesus more faithfully, but if we’re honest, many of us feel like we never quite get it right. We struggle with our desire to be good witnesses for Christ and our very human shortcomings. But we can take heart from knowing that Christ chose for his first disciples people who were definitely flawed but who nevertheless faithfully served him and led the fledgling Christian movement. And perhaps no other disciple exemplifies this better than Simon Peter.
We are inviting all of our members to use this Lenten season to consider who they might be called into a deeper and fuller life as disciples of Jesus. The theme will be the focus of our Sunday morning preaching and midweek Wednesday Lenten worship gatherings, so that every member, regardless of whether or not you read our Lenten book selection, or attend the book study, will be invited to consider their call to be Jesus’ disciples.
To do this, we will begin a study of our call to be Christ’s disciples by reading and discussing Adam Hamilton’s book, “Simon Peter: Flawed but Faithful Disciple.” From the introduction to Hamilton’s book: “While Simon Peter’s shortcomings are clearly on display in the Gospels, so also are his courage, his determination, his longing to follow Jesus….While in Peter’s flaws Christians might see themselves, they might also see themselves in the moments of Peter’s courage and faithfulness.”
On Wednesday evenings, we will begin with a soup supper at 5:30, followed by a short worship service at 6:30 and the book study at 7 p.m., all in Fellowship Hall. We will also offer this book study on Mondays at 9:30 a.m. So join us as we consider how we might answer Christ’s call to be his disciples with all of who we are.