A New Season at LCC


Does that thought stress you out a bit as you anticipate getting ready for Christmas? Instead of concentrating on everything you need to do in the next 100 days, we’d like to invite you to re-focus your attention on a new season at LCC!

Here’s a sneak peek at what you can expect in the next 100 days:


Regrow your faith as we delve into the Bible on Bible Blitz Sunday!  (SEPT 26).

The Worship Service will re-direct your attention to planting the seeds of faith using the WORD followed by a family event where we will introduce second graders to their own Bible.


Re-affirming our commitment to God’s mission for LCC and for our lives is a privilege we will celebrate on Commitment Sunday.  (OCT 17)


Homecoming season is a time to return and re-acquaint ourselves with friends and we are planning a reunion with members – past and present- and our neighborhood.  Stay tuned for info about special service, food, music and tailgating on the point! Reunion Sunday (NOV 14)


Christmas Eve will be celebrated with 3 services recalling our Savior’s birth!  (DEC 24)

Join us for these and the other activities and worship opportunities in these next 100 days and let God give you peace!