We are happy to announce that the remediation for affected areas from hurricane Helene will be completed next week. Rebuilding will begin soon after that. We were lucky to have a remediation company that started within days after Helene and only stopped working one day for hurricane Milton.

Work on the Fellowship Hall will begin first as it is a priority to get it finished so that worship and events can resume there. We have turned the Prayer Chapel into our temporary office space so that our bookkeeper Paula and other staff have a space to work onsite. Our Family Worship will continue in the Sanctuary up front around table and chairs until we can get back to the Fellowship Hall space.

You may see boxes and all sorts of items in the corridors and our Caring Ministries Room. This is because we needed a space for all the items we might need to access in this interim time. Other saved items were boxed and put into storage until the rebuilding is complete. So pardon our mess, we are trying to work in our reduced space as we continue to gather as a church.

>Bible studies and meetings will now often be held in the Narthex area when possible. Luckily the Coffee Patio is as functional as ever and we can still fellowship between services there!