We are proud to introduce to you Barry Goodpasture, the new Facilities Director for LCC Day School and Church. Barry is probably not a stranger to many of you. He was born and raised in Clearwater, his daughter Reagan attends the Day School, and his family, including wife Kelly, have been long-time members of LCC. His wife is the sister of Sheri Dailey, and the Dailey family (husband Chris and son Jackson) have also been long-time LCC members.
Barry’s previous career was spent as an MRI technologist for Guidewell in Largo, where he worked for close to 30 years. Then COVID hit, and so he stayed home with Reagan. After COVID subsided he “dabbled” as a teacher’s aide (a job he admits he was not suited for).
But when the opportunity came to step into the position vacated when Tim Pulham retired, Barry knew he was ready for a change. Right after college he’d worked in construction, and he has owned many rental properties, so he knew he had the right skills to bring to the job.
“Tim was super organized,” Barry admits. “I hope I’m organized enough. Tim had it down to a science.” Fortunately, Barry says Tim made lists of maintenance tasks that will need to be done, so that will help Barry stay on track until he gets used to the rhythm of the job.
And speaking of rhythm, in his spare time Barry enjoys playing guitar with his daughter Reagan. Barry had 3 ½ years of training in classical guitar, and he also sings and took lessons in tap and modern dance. He has performed in several local plays, and even at one point he had dreams of going on Broadway, but he says that was just a dream. Nowadays his spare time is occupied with hanging out with Reagan. “My wife puts in a lot of hours at work,” he explains, “so Reagan and I get to have a lot of time together.”
Barry is excited about serving Christ as Facilities Director for the school and church. “I might even be able to see Reagan during the day once in a while,” he says, an added bonus.
We are excited to welcome Barry to the staff and look forward to serving with him.