The LCC Church Council has continued to monitor evolving CDC Guidelines, as well as state and local Covid 19 numbers, in order to determine the most appropriate indoor Mask Policy at LCC.
Based upon the current data, at its meeting Monday night, the LCC Church Council voted to relax our former policy of A Mask Highly Recommended to be a policy at LCC of A Mask Optional. We will continue to practice social distancing in the Sanctuary and in the rest of the indoors, and in coming forward for communion. The wearing of a mask will be optional during communion.
Although the mask policy at LCC is being somewhat relaxed, all members are requested to be mindful of the fact that we have adult members that are unable to be vaccinated or are immune compromised. In addition we have families with young children that cannot be vaccinated but whom we wish to be welcomed and feel comfortable in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings, and all members are asked to be responsible in social distancing and/or with the wearing of a mask when interacting with those individuals.
The Covid situation remains extremely fluid and the Church Council will continue to monitor the situation. We thank the members of the Congregation for your patience and cooperation as we all continue to work through Covid issues.
Jim Denhardt
Congregational President