Bible Blitz 2021

Bible Blitz was a Blazing Success!


Bible Blitz is an annual event put on by the Children’s Education Ministry to introduce new readers to the Bible.  This year, Bible Blitz had six children and their parents attending a fun activity packed adventure.  While parents talked with Pastors Bruce and Lisa, the kids went on a scavenger hunt in the sanctuary finding Bible stories in our stained glass windows, praying at the altar and discovering familiar songs in the Psalms.


Learning about the Bible’s books is an especially fun experience thanks to the Bible Box. 

The Bible Box contains each book as a separate, color-coded block which shows how the books are organized: history, poetry, prophecy, etc.


The kids worked hard on decorating their own Bible bags, although, as you can guess, snacks were a highlight of the experience!  A fitting reward for their hard work.


On Sunday, October 10, the children will be presented with their Bibles.  It will be time for another celebration as there will be Cake with the names of each child on it.  (The kids were super excited about this!)


This Sunday October 3rd, the congregation will be asked to stop by the Bible table and highlight their favorite verse or write a short greeting for the recipient.  Then, as the children use their Bible, they will be surprised by the little ‘gift’ of a highlighted verse from their church family.